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Lithuanians receive fake letters telling them they will be sent to fight in Ukraine

Sunday, 23 April 2023, 16:05

Lithuanian citizens have been receiving fake letters, allegedly from the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence, telling them that Lithuanians are being called up to join the Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade.

Source: Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT), citing Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania

Quote from the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence: "The offenders are using a new, specially created, domain, kariuomene[.]com, to disseminate this information. They are issuing letters stating that Lithuanian citizens are being conscripted into the army, and after their service they will be sent to fight in Ukraine."


Details: The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence refuted this information and urged the citizens to remain vigilant.

The ministry also underscored that Lithuanian citizens were not being called up to serve in the Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade. This international brigade operates under a separate mandate.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence also reported that propagandists have recently shared similar fake information about the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade on Russian websites. Polish citizens have received similar letters.


For reference: The Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade was created in 2014 on the basis of the Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian armed forces. It counts a total of 4,500 military personnel.

The brigade's command is based in Lublin, Poland, with units permanently stationed in their home countries.

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