Conscripts are tracked by CCTV cameras in Moscow

Conscripts who do not live at their place of registration in Moscow are tracked using the city's video surveillance system, said Maxim Loktev, the chief enlistment officer for the Russian capital.
Source: Russian news agencies Meduza, Kommersant, TASS
Quote from Loktev: "Moscow's video surveillance systems are used to determine the place of residence of recruits, and on the instructions of the mayor of Moscow, organisations employing recruits provide information about them to military enlistment offices. Educational organisations help us determine where a conscript is studying."
Details: The chief enlistment officer states that the main reason why conscripts do not go to the military enlistment office is that they do not live at the place of registration. He says this is the reason they cannot be served with a draft notice.
At the same time, Loktev noted that by having information about a person from CCTV cameras, work or school, it would be easy to notify him or her to come to the military enlistment office.
The Moscow chief enlistment officer states that the number of conscription evaders is decreasing every year. He believes that this is due to the "painstaking work to explain to citizens their responsibility" for evasion.
"Moreover, thanks to the resources we use, they have nowhere to go," Loktev concluded.
The Russian media report that more than 5,000 people will be called up for military service in Moscow. For this purpose, 147 draft commissions are working. The chief enlistment officer for the Russian capital stated that the spring conscription of 2023 does not differ from the previous ones and runs from 1 April to 15 July.
- On 14 April, President of the aggressor country Vladimir Putin signed a law that equated electronic draft notices with paper ones, introduced the creation of a register of persons liable for military service and closed the borders for evaders.
- It was reported that the distribution of electronic draft notices in Russia would begin in a test mode during the spring draft, in particular, conscription through the portal Gosuslugi (State services) would be conducted in Moscow.
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