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Defence Intelligence predicts frequency of Russian missile attacks: Once a month or less

Thursday, 16 March 2023, 12:59
Defence Intelligence predicts frequency of Russian missile attacks: Once a month or less

All the cruise missiles produced by Russia are being immediately used to strike Ukraine.

Source: Vadym Skibitskyi, representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the air of the national television 

Details: According to him, Russia currently uses the entire range of missile weapons it has. This indicates that the large reserves that it had before no longer exist.


Quote: "Intelligence records that the current production on the territory of the Russian Federation does not cover all the costs of the Russian armed forces. Because of this, we note that the strike last time used about 30 cruise missiles – this is the amount that Russia can produce in a month. And, therefore, everything that comes off the conveyor is used for the missile strikes.

Because in any case, they should have a strategic reserve. They cannot go down to zero on all types of missile weapons. Thus, we conclude that, firstly, strikes will continue, and secondly, the scale of these strikes will depend on the reserves it accumulates. And this will affect the terms. 

If before they could strike every week, now, we see [attacks – ed.] maybe once a month, and in the future it may be less. Because the plans they are building for themselves regarding the production of missiles are one thing, and reality is quite another. Sanctions are in effect and they affect production."



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