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Prigozhin writes letter to US to find out about crimes of Wagner Group

Saturday, 21 January 2023, 13:20
Prigozhin writes letter to US to find out about crimes of Wagner Group

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner PMC (Private Military Company), has written a letter to the White House – ostensibly to find out about the crimes of his soldiers.

Source: Prigozhin's press service 

Details: The oligarch published a laconic letter in Russian and English, addressing it to John Kirby, the coordinator of the US National Security Council.


Quote: "Dear Mr Kirby, I have a question for you: can you name what kind of crime the Wagner PMC committed?"


Note: On 20 January, it became known that the United States will soon impose additional sanctions against the Wagner Group, which joined the Russian military in the war in Ukraine.

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