Russian Foreign Minister will not go unpunished: Ukraine condemns another anti-Semitic statement

Thursday, 19 January 2023, 14:06

Ukraine called upon the authorities of Israel and Jewish organisations around the world to react to the statement made by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who compared Russians to Jews who were being killed by Nazi Germany during WW2.

Source: Statement by Oleh Nikolenko, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Quote: "The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia compared Russians, who are waging the war of aggression, to millions of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Turns out, it is not Russian missiles that are destroying residential buildings in Ukraine, but the West, which formed a coalition to deal with the ‘Russian question’.

We strongly condemn the shameful statement by Sergey Lavrov, which disgraces the memory of millions of Holocaust victims."

Details: Nikolenko stated that modern Russia is filled with hatred towards other nations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine also called upon Israel and Jewish organisations around the world to react to yet another anti-Semitic statement made by Lavrov.

Quote: "At the Nuremberg tribunal Ribbentrop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nazi Germany, denied his involvement in Nazi crimes but it did not help him to avoid punishment. Likewise, Lavrov will not avoid it by trying to pass Russia off as the victim."


  • On Wednesday 18 January, Lavrov compared Russians to Jews and the West to Hitler and Napoleon.
  • In spring, Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, compared Zelenskyy to Hitler due to his "Jewish blood". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel strongly reacted to this statement and recalled the Russian ambassador to express protest. 

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