Russia introduces life imprisonment for "helping saboteurs"

Wednesday, 21 December 2022, 09:30

The State Duma of Russia [the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly, the Russian parliament – ed.] approved a draft law regarding the introduction of criminal liability for sabotage activities with a possibility of a life imprisonment.

Source: Russian media outlets TASS and The Moscow Times

Details: New articles are planned to be added to the Criminal Code of Russia which are going to increase the punishment for assistance, involvement, persuasion and funding of sabotages. Moreover, the same punishment will be applied for teaching sabotage activities and creating criminal groups for this purpose.

A punishment from eight years of imprisonment to a life sentence is predicted for the persuasion or recruitment to sabotage, as well as a fine of up to 700,000 roubles [approximately US$10,000 – ed.]. A person can be punished with 15 years to a life sentence for teaching sabotage tactics.

Why this is important: Even a post in social media can be considered as assistance to sabotage activities.

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