In Kherson Oblast, Russians evacuate residents from left bank as well

Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 18:56

The Russian occupiers have started "evacuating" civilians not only from the right but also from the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast. They are also planning to seize solar energy facilities.

Source: report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 18:00, on 2 November

Quote: "The so-called ‘evacuation’ of local residents from the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson Oblast is underway. In particular, the evacuation of civilians from some settlements on the left bank [of the Dnipro River] in Kherson Oblast was noticed.

According to the information available, on 31 October 2022, the evacuation of collaborators and their families, medical personnel and equipment from the central hospital in the settlement of Hornostaivka began.

The occupation administration informed the residents of the village of Nova Zburiivka that they have three days to go further into the occupied territory or to the territory of Russia by their own means of transport.

The population has been warned that starting on 5 November, "the evacuation will be mandatory".

Details: The General Staff stated that on 27 October, the occupation authorities started conducting an "audit" of solar power generation facilities.

The occupiers threaten to confiscate and take away the equipment of businesses, the owners of which are on territory controlled by Ukraine and refuse to come back to the temporarily occupied territory.

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