Explosion occurs near "occupiers’ lair" in occupied Melitopol

Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 08:11

An explosion has occurred in a residential building in the occupied city of Melitopol. The building is adjacent to a school where Russian occupiers are allegedly residing.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol; RIA Melitopol

Quote from Fedorov: "A loud explosion [has occurred] in a residential district in the north of Melitopol, near Specialised School 24, where another lair of the occupiers is located. According to preliminary reports, the shock wave broke window panes in an adjacent residential building up to the third floor. Ambulances, firefighters and the occupying police force headed there right away."

Details: The occupiers confirmed that an explosion had occurred in a residential building located on 30 Rokiv Peremohy Boulevard.

Locals report that Specialised Vocational School 24 was not damaged. The explosion occurred in an apartment of a neighbouring residential building.

Preliminary reports by RIA Melitopol say the resistance forces "were saying hello" to collaborator Dima (Korobka) Trukhin.

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