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Security Service of Ukraine infiltrated FSB to catch mole, says acting SSU head

Thursday, 27 October 2022, 10:15
Security Service of Ukraine infiltrated FSB to catch mole, says acting SSU head


The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has irrefutable evidence that Colonel Oleh Kulinich, the former head of the Crimean Central Office of the SSU, was working for the Russian Federation. He reported information about the situation in Ukraine and within the SSU, some of which was classified, to Moscow.

Source: Vasyl Maliuk, acting head of the Security Service of Ukraine, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine


Details: Maliuk said Ukraine’s Security Service places great emphasis on loyalty within its ranks, especially in wartime.

"If we do not find these rats on board, then all our further operations against the enemy are doomed to fail," he said.

Speaking about the operation to expose and detain Kulinich, the acting head of the Security Service of Ukraine noted that he detained the mole personally. Maliuk has not yet disclosed the details, noting that an investigation is underway.


Quote: "An unprecedented and intricate operation was designed and carried out, and [SSU] agents infiltrated the ranks of the FSB.

We have obtained all the files documenting his [Kulinich’s] reporting of information, including classified information, about the situation in our country and in the [Security] Service to Moscow, and how they attempted to influence various processes."


  • On 16 July, Ukrainska Pravda reported that Kulinich had been detained by security forces.
  • The following day, the State Bureau of Investigation revealed details of the joint special operation that led to the traitor being exposed and detained.
  • The investigation found that Kulinich had collaborated with representatives of the Russian Federation’s secret services. Among other things, he passed on intelligence against Ukraine to them, including state secrets.
  • Kulinich’s involvement with a criminal organisation that was engaged in intelligence and subversive activities against Ukraine is also documented. The group's actions damaged Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, defence capability, and state, economic and information security.
  • Kulinich has been notified of suspicion under three articles of the Criminal Code: Art. 255.1 (establishment and leadership of a criminal community or criminal organisation, and participation therein); Art. 111.1 (high treason); and Art. 27.5 and Art. 114.1 (complicity in the transfer of information constituting a state secret, or gathering such information with intent to transfer it, to a foreign state or foreign organisation or representatives thereof).

For reference: Oleh Mykolayovych Kulinich was appointed head of the Main Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in October 2020.

President Zelenskyy dismissed him from this position in March 2022.

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