Fearing Ukrainian guerillas, Russian occupiers check residents’ houses and phones

Friday, 14 October 2022, 14:01


The National Resistance Center of Ukraine states that the Russian troops in the occupied territories are suffering from the activities of Ukrainian guerillas. In response, occupation command is strengthening the police regime, conducting searches of residents, and looking for signs of the underground.

Source: Center of National Resistance of Ukraine

Quote: "Russians continue to suffer from the activities of guerillas in the temporarily occupied territories.

The effectiveness of the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces owes a lot to the work of our underground. Ukrainians on TOT [temporarily occupied territories] continue to inform on the placement of Russian military facilities and personnel transfers. Because of this, cotton [Russian propaganda, initially refusing to use the word ‘взрыв’ (explosion), used ‘хлопок’ (a bang) instead. However, ‘хлопок’ also means ‘cotton’, and this has since become a meme - ed.] appears where it should. 

Therefore, the occupiers are strengthening the police regime and conducting searches of TOT residents. Russians pay special attention to the newly occupied territories of Ukraine.

In particular, in Zaporizhzhia [Oblast - ed.], Russians are searching garage cooperatives, looking for underground hiding places and places to store weapons. In Melitopol, they also visit private houses, inspecting basements in particular detail. At the roadblocks set up by Russians, the inspection of mobile phones has been renewed."

Details: The Center of National Resistance recalls the safety rules when preparing for sabotage operations:

  • Do not keep things at home that may raise questions for the occupiers. From paint cans and stencils to dual-use items.
  • Take care of your mobile phone. Delete all discussions of political issues, hostilities, condemnation of Putin and Russia's policies, photos of military equipment, destruction, screenshots.
  • Make sure that there are no suspicious contacts in your phone book: for example, "Katya volunteer", "Sasha UAF" [Ukrainian Armed Forces], or call signs of any friends or associates.

The website of the Center of National Resistance has detailed instructions on how to act in case of detention by the occupiers.

The National Resistance Center also calls on the civilian population to evacuate, if possible, from the temporarily occupied territories during the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s operation to liberate the territories.

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