Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Russian attacks damage 11 residential buildings and school in Nikopol

Thursday, 8 September 2022, 08:49


On the night of 7–8 September, Russian forces used artillery systems to shell the Nikopol district (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) four times, damaging several targets in the city of Nikopol.

Source: Valentyn Reznichenko, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "Another night of air-raid sirens and shelling… The Russians used their Grad [multiple-launch rocket systems] and heavy artillery to fire on the Nikopol district four times. Early reports indicate there are no casualties."

Details: Russian forces fired on the Marhanets hromada [an administrative unit designating a village, several villages, or a town, and their adjacent territories] in the Nikopol district three times, damaging a local business. Relevant services are working on the site of the attack. The extent of damage and destruction the hromada sustained following the most recent Russian attacks are yet to be confirmed.

Eleven private houses and outbuildings, several solar panels at a local solar power plant, and a school were damaged in the city of Nikopol. A power line was also damaged; it is already being repaired.

The night passed without any incidents in the rest of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

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