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Head of Luhansk Oblast on Russia’s sham referendum: Armed occupiers record names of those voting "against"

Friday, 23 September 2022, 13:33
Head of Luhansk Oblast on Russia’s sham referendum: Armed occupiers record names of those voting against


Serhii Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, said that Russian occupying forces are using the guise of sham referendums to search Ukrainian households for men [who can be conscripted to fight on Russia’s side - ed.].

Source: Haidai on Telegram


Quote from Haidai: "The ‘voting’ at ‘organised [polling] stations on building-adjacent plots’ has started. To put it in more understandable terms, [people are asked to] fill in some forms in the kitchens of their apartments and [in their] courtyards.

It looks rather odd. Confidentiality [of people’s ‘vote’] is totally absent.

[People] are ‘voting’ in their kitchens and courtyards. The occupiers are preventing people from leaving the [Russian-occupied] cities [in Luhansk Oblast] so as not to lose any ‘votes’."


Details:He added that he had received information from people in the occupied areas, who told him that members of the so-called "electoral commissions" are accompanied by armed people.

If people do not open their doors to them, these armed individuals threaten to break the doors down. When a person ticks "NO" in the "ballot", his/her name is recorded in the "notebook".

You can "vote" without a passport, because "we already know you"; that’s what the occupiers tell people.

Haidai explained that door-to-door "voting" is simply a way for the Russian forces to inspect households in order to find men [who could be conscripted]: "The occupiers are simply looking for ‘cannon fodder’."

The head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration said that all those who take part in the organisation and running of the sham referendum will be held responsible for their actions: "All those involved will be punished."

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