Russians attack Odesa region with Oniks cruise missile which exploded mid-air

Thursday, 4 August 2022, 14:32


During the night of Wednesday 3 August, the Russians launched a P-800 Oniks cruise missile on Odesa Oblast. The missile failed to reach the ground and exploded in mid-air.

Source: Operational Command Pivden (South) on Facebook

Quote: "Last night the occupiers launched a P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile on the Odesa region from the Crimean front. The missile exploded in the air as it was approaching the ground."

Details: It is also reported that 11 vessels of the Russian ship-boat fleet in the Black Sea are continuing to manoeuvre out of missile range along the Crimean coast in the direction of Novorossiysk. In addition, 2 launch vehicles carrying 16 Kalibr cruise missiles on board and 3 large landing ships are being kept on stand-by.

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