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Security Service of Ukraine collects evidence against three more Russian torturers

Wednesday, 31 August 2022, 16:04
Security Service of Ukraine collects evidence against three more Russian torturers


The Security Service of Ukraine has collected solid evidence of war crimes committed by three more Russian soldiers who were involved in atrocities during the occupation of Kyiv Oblast.

Source: press service of the Security Service of Ukraine


Details: The crimes were committed by Andrey Marushkin, Lieutenant Colonel and Commander of the 15th Separate Guards Motorised Rifle Alexandria Peacekeeping Brigade, and his subordinates, conscripts Aleksey Tokmakov and Aleksey Kroshkin.

Within the period from 1 to 30 March 2022, Lieutenant Colonel Marushkin gave criminal orders to launch artillery attacks on settlements and civilian facilities.

That resulted in severe damage for these facilities, and several people, including civilians, were killed. In particular, these criminal orders caused fatalities in:


6 villages of the Brovary district of Kyiv Oblast (Lukianivka, Pershotravneve, Hoholiv, Svitylnia, Bohdanivka, Shevchenkove);

3 villages of the Nizhyn district of Chernihiv Oblast (Nova Basan, Stara Basan, Novyi Bykiv).

At the moment, Marushkin is being accused of violating 2 articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: conducting an aggressive war or aggressive military operations, and the commission of a criminal offence by a group of persons or by a group upon prior conspiracy.

The Security Service of Ukraine reports that on 11 March the two conscripts shot a Hostomel resident who refused to help the occupiers to unload ammunition.

A witness reports that Tokmakov gave an obviously criminal order to shoot a civilian, and Kroshkin, his subordinate, followed that order.

During this investigation, the Security Service of Ukraine also found locations of the main headquarters of two separate military units that occupied Hostomel, and acquired lists of personnel of the "elite" unit of the National Guard of Russia.

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