Mykolaiv resident leaks information about Ukrainian Armed Forces to Russian forces – Security Service of Ukraine

Saturday, 30 July 2022, 14:37


The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has detained a resident of Mykolaiv who was handing over information on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Russian special services. The Russians were planning to use this information to launch missile strikes on Mykolaiv Oblast.

Source: SSU on Facebook

Quote from the SSU: "SSU officers have records of the informant’s criminal activity. [The informant] turned out to be a resident of Mykolaiv and was involved in the activities of a network of informants. The suspect collected information on the deployment and movement of units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the region, as well as the coordinates of the city’s infrastructure facilities, and regularly handed this information over to a representative of the Russian Federation."

Details: The mobile phone the suspect had used to hand over information was seized during a search.

The man was detained and informed that he is suspected of committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 114-2 (dissemination of information about the location of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the purpose of transferring the specified information to a state carrying out armed aggression against Ukraine) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Urgent operational and investigative actions are currently being undertaken in order to identify and bring to justice other people involved in related crimes.

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