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Military officer Hlib Babich killed

Friday, 29 July 2022, 00:25
Military officer Hlib Babich killed

Friday, 29 July 2022, 00:25

Hlib Babich, a Ukrainian soldier, volunteer and poet, has been killed.

Source: the fifth President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko


Quote from Poroshenko: "Hlib Babich was a warrior and a poet. He loved Ukraine more than anything else. The phrase ‘Don't die for her - kill for her!’ also belongs to him. Dozens of orcs [Russian invaders -ed.] killed, a total of six years at the front, five rotations. They say God helps those who help themselves.

That's why the news of Hlib’s death broke the evening silence like a thunderbolt from a clear sky."

Background: Hlib Babich was the head of the Respublika. Braty po Zbroi [Republic. Brothers in Arms- ed.] voluntary organisation.

