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Lviv is preparing for potential attack from Belarus

Saturday, 2 July 2022, 15:58
Lviv is preparing for potential attack from Belarus


Mayor of Lviv Andrii Sadovyi has called an operational meeting with the participation of the military and civilian leadership of Lviv in order to understand how the authorities will act in the event of an escalation on the part of Belarus.

Source: Sadovyi on Facebook


Sadovyi: "We discussed the defence plan and the forces and means that come under the jurisdiction of the city. The situation is changing, so our defence strategies also need to be changed and updated.

A defence headquarters will be set up in each district of the city and additional training will be conducted for members of volunteer terrorist defence units. Until we put them on round-the-clock duty. But this decision can change at any time.

We are also considering the option of forming reserve volunteer battalions from employees of the city council and municipal enterprises.


We are continuing to form a strategic reserve of provisions in case supply routes are blockaded."  

Details: According to Sadovyi, it is necessary to prepare for the cold winter and ensure the possibility of heating the city without gas.

The city’s mayor assures that the city is safe.

Мэр Львова уверяет, что город находится в безопасности.



  •          On 1 July, it became known that the exercises of the Armed Forces of Belarus on the country's training grounds had once again been extended. They will last until at least 9 July.
  •          Advisor to the head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podoliak said that rumours about a possible offensive from the territory of Belarus on Ukraine are needed by Russia in order to increase panic among Ukrainians.
