The Turkish government announced the launch date for the grain transportation corridor from Ukraine

Friday, 15 July 2022, 12:39


The corridor for transporting Ukrainian grain and agricultural produce by the Black Sea will start working next week, after the document creating it has been signed.

This is reported by the Kremlin-aligned Russian news agency TASS, citing the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak.

The document must be signed by Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and the UN [the "quartet"]. Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar added that the final agreement on this issue is scheduled to be signed next week.

Details regarding the functioning of the Coordination Centre, which is being created in Istanbul under the auspices of the UN, will be announced next week when the quartet delegations  meet.

According to the "technical agreements" by the parties, the process of transiting the grain corridor will be coordinated by the UN. Representatives of the three countries will be present in the ports from which grain will be exported, and they will also monitor the transportation process directly from the exit of ships from Ukrainian ports until their arrival in Istanbul.

The Turkish newspaper also noted that at the meeting in Istanbul, agreements were reached on the clearance of mines from Ukrainian ports. This matter will be handled by Ukraine, which will also determine the route to be taken by the ships transporting grain.

A TASS source in Ankara reported that a new meeting of the military delegations of Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, as well as UN representatives on the creation of the grain corridor may take place on July 20-21.


Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar stated that the participants in the quadrilateral talks in Istanbul on Wednesday agreed to create a Coordination Centre for the export of Ukrainian grain by sea.

Russian, Ukrainian and Turkish military delegations met with UN officials in Istanbul on Wednesday for talks on resuming Ukrainian grain exports amid the worsening global food crisis.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that during the quadrilateral meeting in Istanbul, the parties took a "critical step forward" on grain exports from Ukraine by sea.

Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba had said that grain exports from Ukrainian ports will not resume without security guarantees for shipowners, cargo owners and Ukraine as an independent state.