Pushylin says death penalty in "DPR" will be by firing squad, date will not be given

Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 13:58


Denys Pushylin, the pro-Kremlin puppet leader of the militants of the so-called "DPR", has said that US representatives have not yet contacted him about the foreigners captured by terrorists from the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. 

Source: Russian propaganda publication "RIA Novosti" citing Pushylin

Quote from Pushylin: "At the moment, none of the representatives of the American authorities has come forward. How it will be possible to extract or save its citizens without reaching out to the leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic is still impossible even to discuss."

Details: The militant leader added that two Britons and a Moroccan, who were sentenced to death by the terrorists for defending Ukraine, are now appealing their sentences. 

He said that if the court does not approve their appeals, they will be executed by firing squad. 

Pushylin emphasised that the occupiers’ pseudo-legislation does not provide for a specific date for carrying out the sentence – they say that the enforcement service is governed by its internal decisions, and "the sentence is not carried out in public and is not subject to publication".
