Over 1,000 people evacuated from occupied Kharkiv region today

Monday, 11 July 2022, 19:45

MONDAY, 11 JULY 2022, 19:45 

On 11 July, more than 1,100 people, including almost 300 children, were evacuated from the temporarily captured Amalgamated Territorial Communities (hromadas) of the Kharkiv Region.

Source: Ukrinform, which cites Dina Urich, the Kharkiv region evacuation coordinator of Helping to Leave, a Czech NGO 

Details: According to Dina Urich, on Monday, 1,108 people (295 of them children) managed to travel to Ukraine-controlled territory.

She noted that the evacuation was peaceful, there was no shelling.

The press release states that since 30 May, NGOs such as Eventroom, Kharkiv Help, Help Me Kharkiv, Unbreakable Kharkiv, ETOC, and Helping to Leave – with the support of the authorities and International Committee of the Red Cross – have been organising the evacuation of the population from the Kharkiv region through the village of Pechenihy.