Energoatom: Propagandists break into restricted areas at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

Sunday, 10 July 2022, 18:11


Energoatom, the company that operates all of Ukraine’s nuclear power stations, has  reported that Russian soldiers have forcibly gained access to restricted areas at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant for a pro-Russia blogger to record "interviews".

Source: Energoatom

Quote: "For the sake of a nice propaganda piece about how the Zaporizhzhia plant is operating safely under the muzzles of the occupiers’ guns, the Ruscists have staged yet another provocation.

The Russian military has forced the plant’s management to allow a well-known Russian blogger and a representative of Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear corporation, accompanied by armed soldiers, to visit the control panel of one of the plant’s reactors and other restricted areas. There they plan to organise filming and coerce Ukrainian personnel to participate in propaganda interviews.

This is how the occupiers are creating a propaganda myth for the Russian audience about one of Russia’s main achievements in this war - the successful operation of the stolen Zaporizhzhia plant for the needs of the aggressor country."

Details: The plant administration promises to inform the international organisations responsible for safety at nuclear power plants about these criminal actions.


  • On 4 March, Russian troops seized the premises of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and took control of administrative buildings and the entrance to the plant.
  • In mid-March, the occupiers detonated munitions at the Zaporizhzhia plant near the destroyed training centre and Reactor No. 1.
  • There are about 500 Russian military personnel at the Zaporizhia plant, and a large quantity of military equipment and explosives are also being stored there. Ukraine cannot therefore ensure the safety of its own citizens and the world, although it still maintains control over the plant’s operations.