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The occupiers are spreading a fake about the mobilisation of women to the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Sunday, 12 June 2022, 14:13
The occupiers are spreading a fake about the mobilisation of women to the Armed Forces of Ukraine 


Russian propagandists are spreading a fake about the mobilisation of women to the Defence Forces of Ukraine.

Source: The Centre for Countering Disinformation within the National Security and Defence Council


Details: It is stated that a number of pro-Russian Telegram channels have spread a photo of a document allegedly signed by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhii Shaptala, stating that the territorial recruitment centres must "by 15.06.2022 prepare lists of women on the military register and conduct mobilisation activities, and by 31.06.2022 to organise activities for the military registration of women aged 18 up to 60 years."

It is noted that this information is not true, and the document itself is fake.

Oleh Honcharuk, head of the Chernihiv regional territorial staffing and social support centre, recently has said: "If we talk about the current situation, there is no need to obligatorily call up women for military service.


Quote from the Centre for Countering Disinformation within the National Security and Defence Council: "Warning! Shared fake is created for ‘domestic’ consumers and aims to create centres of social instability in some regions of Ukraine."


  • On 11 October 2021, the Ministry of Defence issued Order #313, which required women in more than 100 professions related to military specialisms to register as conscripts. The document came into force on 17 December. 
  • The Ministry of Defence explained that military registration does not mean that women are being conscripted or mobilised into the army; the agency wants to have an idea of who could be involved in the defence of the state if necessary.
  • Due to martial law and the war in the country, the list of professions was reduced and updated. On 21 March 2022, the Ministry of Justice registered a new order, which came into force immediately after its official publication.
  • According to this document, the enlistment of women who specialise in and/or work in a profession related to the relevant military specialism, and whose health and age render them fit for military service, will begin on 1 October 2022.
  • It has been determined that the Ministry of Defence may take appropriate measures to amend the published list (if any) by 1 March each year.
