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Russian troops are stationed in penal colony in Kherson region - intelligence

Friday, 27 May 2022, 18:26
Russian troops are stationed in penal colony in Kherson region - intelligence


The Russian military command has stationed the personnel of its occupying units in the Kherson region in a penal colony building, after turfing out the inmates and staff.

Source: Report from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine


Quote: "The occupiers transported to Kherson all the inmates and staff from the G10 penal colony in the temporarily occupied village of Darivka, Kherson Oblast. It is known that they were assigned to correctional colonies No. 7 (Gola Pristan) and No. 90 (Kherson). 

Colony 10 is currently being used by the Russians as accommodation for occupying army personnel. There is also military equipment on the territory."

Details: According to Ukrainian intelligence, from mid-June, the Russians plan to stop supplying funds and so-called "humanitarian aid" to the population of Mariupol.


In the village of Shevchenkovo in the Kharkiv region, Russian occupiers were asking residents for Ukrainian bullets. They said they wanted to shoot themselves in the leg so that they would be able to leave Ukraine and go home.

In the Kharkiv region, the number of abductions in Russian-occupied cities is on the rise. It is most often men aged between 18 and 60 and young women. The disappearances are linked to the "work" of the Russian special services in the occupied part of the region. 

The Ministry of Defence’s intelligence department has evidence of abductions by Russians in Izium, Kupiansk, Velykyi Burluk and Shevchenkovo. The invaders have blocked the departure of civilians from the occupied cities to Ukrainian-controlled territory. All cars containing civilians trying to leave are carefully filtered by the occupiers and forced to turn back.


  • Vadym Skibitskyi, deputy head of intelligence at the Ministry of Defence, said that the war in Ukraine could last more than a year.
  • In addition, according to Ukrainian intelligence, the Russian invaders are building a third line of defence in the southern regions of Ukraine, preparing for a long confrontation.
