Russia’s “leading” 58th Army is destroyed in southern Ukraine - intercepted conversation

KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO - Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 21:46
According to an intercepted conversation of a Russian serviceman, Russia’s 58th Army, which the aggressors themselves called one of their leading armies, was completely destroyed.
Source: Intercepted conversation published by the Security Service of Ukraine
Quote from a conversation between the aggressor and his wife: "There’s just about nothing left of the 58th Army. It was considered the toughest army in the Southern Military District. Bottom line, there’s almost nothing left of it.
"Valera Bakin served in the 58th Army. Not a single person from his company survived. Not one! In short, they were all killed. The whole company. We also have companies there that have been reduced to three or four persons."
Details: The Security Service of Ukraine notes that, in 2018, the 58th Army of Russia’s Southern Military District was re-equipped with the latest weapons and technology.