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Russians firing artillery at Kharkiv city and Oblast again: 1 person killed

Thursday, 19 May 2022, 22:38
Russians firing artillery at Kharkiv city and Oblast again: 1 person killed

Denys Karlovskyy - Thursday, 19 May 2022, 22:29

After several days of relative lull, the Russian aggressors resumed devastating shelling in Kharkiv and settlements in Kharkiv Oblast, killing one person and injuring several people, including children.

Source: Head of Kharkiv Oblast State Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, on Telegram


Quote from Oleh Syniehubov: "The city and the Oblast are restless today. The enemy attacked both at night and during the day."

Please continue to be as careful as possible, do not ignore the air raid warnings. In addition, please do not visit the Sarzhyn Yar territory and the forest park. The enemy has left a lot of explosive ‘surprises’ there. Mine clearance specialists are working on the site and clearing the territory."

"Our Armed Forces are struggling, but they are driving the enemy out of the northern outskirts of the city, occupying strategic heights and forcing the aggressors out of local settlements."


Details: The occupying forces fired on the Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv city on the night of 19 May; they also attacked Shevchenkivskyi district at 12:00 pm, and Saltivka and Northern Saltivka at 13:00.

One person was injured in the shelling in Saltivka.

The aggressors shelled Velyki Khutory at 13:00, where a 13-year-old child and a woman sustained shrapnel wounds.

A 17-year-old man was injured as a result of shelling in Chuhuiv district, and one woman suffered blast injuries in the Balakliiaamalgamated territorial community (hromada).

A 64-year-old man was killed during shelling by the aggressors in Tsyrkuny village.


On 18 May, the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration acknowledged that citizens have been returning en masse to Kharkiv, but noted that it was still difficult to guarantee the security of the civilian population.

There were no attacks on the city of Kharkiv on Tuesday, 17 May.

The mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, said he hoped to resume subway traffic in the city in a week or two. He plans to temporarily accommodate people who are now living on the station platforms in university dormitories.
