Occupier confesses to the murder of a prisoner of war: “He wanted to go to the toilet. We shot him in the back.”

In a new intercept by the Ukrainian Security Service of the occupiers' conversations with relatives, a Russian confesses to his mother that he shot a Ukrainian prisoner of war in the back for requesting permission to use the toilet.
Source: Security Service of Ukraine
Quote from the occupier: "He really wanted to go to the toilet. He was told, ‘You are going home now. Go, he says, go to the toilet, and you will go home’. That’s it, he went – we shot him in the back."
Details: The agency noted that even his pro-Russian mother was shocked. She tried to get out of the conversation with the usual propaganda narrative: "That's what they do, the bastards, they shoot their own."
However, the son clarified: "No, we shot him."
The occupier added that they are not transferring the prisoners anywhere, but simply killing them.
The Security Service of Ukraine noted that by intercepting conversations, it is documenting further evidence of violations by the Russian army of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.