In Mariupol more than 10 thousand people could die from diseases and unbearable conditions – the Mayor

Wednesday, 11 May 2022, 09:28


By the end of the year in the devastated city of Mariupol more than 10 thousand people may die from diseases and unbearable conditions; the city currently has 150-170 thousand inhabitants.

Source: Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko, Mariupol City Council

According to Boichenko: "The occupiers have turned Mariupol into a mediaeval ghetto. There will be a corresponding death rate. Epidemics will break out without medicine and medical care, restoration of water supply and proper sewerage in the city. 

The majority of the current population is old and sick. Without proper conditions, mortality among vulnerable groups will dramatically increase.

Some Mariupol residents have returned to the city from nearby villages because they are not allowed to enter the territory of free Ukraine due to the strict "filtration" system [of the occupiers].

But the Russians continue the genocide that began on 24 February. Our people are in mortal danger. Therefore, a complete evacuation of the city is needed."

Details: Mariupol City Council posted three photos from the city that is almost occupied by Russians.