Kyiv Military Administration: Kyiv residents will continue to hear explosions for a long time as the region is being demined

Saturday, 9 April 2022, 11:28

Valentyna Romanenko – Saturday, 9 April 2022, 11:28

Demining of territories and roads continues in the Kyiv region; the region’s residents will continue to hear the sounds of explosions for a long time.

Source: Oleksandr Pavliuk, Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, on the national joint news broadcast

According to Pavliuk: "Today 17 groups comprising 87 specialists and 31 units of equipment from across Ukraine are carrying out the demining of the Kyiv region. They are working morning to night according to the conditions on the ground, in order to demine towns, villages and roads as fast as possible, and ensure the safety of the local residents.

As of 8 April, 127 hectares, 292 objects, and 70km of roads have been demined and nearly 9,400 units of ammunition found and disposed of.

The explosions that you hear accompany the detonating of unexploded ordnance."

Details: Pavliuk explained that there are designated places away from towns and villages where ammunition is destroyed.

"You will continue to hear explosions for a long time because there is a lot of ammunition: the remains of shells and mines, as well as buildings, cars, and even dead bodies rigged with explosives that the enemy troops left behind," Head of the Regional Military Administration said.