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Lavrov wants Belarus to be one of Ukraine's security guarantor countries

Friday, 8 April 2022, 16:01
Lavrov wants Belarus to be one of Ukraine's security guarantor countries


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has insisted that Belarus should be on the list of countries that will provide security guarantees for Ukraine.

Source: Radio Sputnik, Russian propaganda media, with Lavrov's commentary


According to Lavrov: "We have proposed that the Republic of Belarus should definitely be among those guarantor countries.

All these questions, including the full list of guarantor countries, are being agreed upon now. We are in favour of Belorussia (Belarus - ed.) being among them.

Details: The Russian minister explained that the Ukrainian side is allegedly seeking to see all the countries that have borders with it among the guarantor countries.


He added that negotiations are ongoing now, but the progress of the discussions is not straightforward.

Lavrov used the jingoistic Russian term of "Belorussia" instead of "Belarus".

Background: Self-proclaimed Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko's regime is involved in the Russian-Ukrainian war because it is providing the Russian forces with military facilities located on Belarusian soil.

Russian military air power uses Belarusian airfields to carry out air raids on Ukrainian cities, while Belarusian warehouses, fuel and lubricant depots, along with hospitals, are used to meet the logistical needs of Russian army units in Ukraine.

In addition, the Russians are carrying out a significant portion of their missile attacks on Ukrainian cities from Belarusian soil.


  • On 7 April, Lukashenko said he wanted to get involved in talks between Ukraine and Russia.
  • Furthermore, Lukashenko said that he had allegedly conducted a "special operation" in Ukraine to free captured Belarusian van drivers.
