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Zelenskyy: Sanctions must be commensurate with Russian atrocities, or politicians will face questions

Tuesday, 5 April 2022, 23:59
Zelenskyy: Sanctions must be commensurate with Russian atrocities, or politicians will face questions

Alyona Mazurenko - Tuesday, 5 April 2022, 23:59

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that sanctions against Russia after the atrocities in Bucha should be commensurate with the gravity of the aggressors' war crimes.

Source: Presidential video address


According to Zelenskyy: "We are preparing a new package of sanctions against Russia for everything it has done to our people.

This is a pivotal moment for Western leaders. It is no longer about how our people will evaluate the new sanctions or what I will say about them. This is about how decisions on sanctions will be assessed by Western societies themselves.

After what the world saw in Bucha, sanctions against Russia must be commensurate with the gravity of the aggressors' war crimes.


If after that Russian banks are still able to function as usual, if after that the transit of goods to Russia continues as usual, if after that EU countries pay Russia for energy as usual, the political fate of some leaders will not evolve as it used to.

My advice to everyone right now is to feel that this is indeed a crucial moment."
