Lithuanian filmmaker killed in Mariupol

Sunday, 3 April 2022, 02:12

SUNDAY, 3 APRIL 2022, 02:12

Renowned Lithuanian film director Mantas Kvedaravičius has been killed in the blockaded city of Mariupol.

Source: Vitalii Manskyi, film director, on Facebook

According to Manskyi: "Our friend, "Artdocfest" (Documentary Film Festival) participant and Lithuanian documentary filmmaker Mantas Kvedaravičius, has been killed today in Mariupol, with a camera in his hands."

Details: In 2016, Kvedaravičius made the film "Mariupolis" about the war in Donbas.

This film has been called "a human story against the backdrop of historic upheaval."

The world premiere of the film took place on 14 February 2016 at the Berlin International Film Festival.

The film tells the story of life in Mariupol under crisis conditions.