Russian occupiers in Mariupol exhume civilian bodies and don’t allow residents to bury their dead

Valentyna Romanenko – Friday, 15 April 2022, 10:26
According to Mariupol residents, Russian occupiers began exhuming the bodies of civilians buried in the courtyards of apartment buildings.
Source: Mariupol City Council, on Telegram
Details: Mariupol residents who still remain in the besieged city reported a new phase of
Russian "cleanses."
Moreover, Russian occupying troops do not allow local residents to bury those who were killed in Russian attacks. Each courtyard has an overseer who ensures that Mariupol residents do not bury their relatives or acquaintances who were killed. It is still unknown why the exhumation is taking place or what will happen with the exhumed bodies.
The Mariupol City Council notes, considering the fact that Ukrainian intelligence observed the presence of 13 mobile crematoria in Mariupol, it is possible to assume that Russian forces are making efforts to conceal the war crimes they have committed in Mariupol.
City council quote: "But they will never succeed because the whole world has seen the numerous crimes committed by the Russian army in Mariupol. Every criminal will be punished!"