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Cost of war to Mykolaiv calculated

Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 15:05
Cost of war to Mykolaiv calculated


The Russian military’s actions have cost the city of Mykolaiv more than 110 million hryvnias (about 3.7 million of US dollars). 

Source: Oleksandr Sienkevych, the Mayor of Mykolaiv, on Facebook 


Details: According to the mayor's office, as of April 12, the city has suffered losses of over 110 million hryvnias (about 3.7 million of US dollars):

  • Social protection institutions: 3 facilities worth about 1 million hryvnias (33 thousand of US dollars) were damaged.
  • Healthcare facilities: 5 facilities worth over 4 million hryvnias (about 135 thousand of US dollars)
  • Educational institutions: 46 facilities worth over 20 million of hryvnias (about 677 thousand of US dollars)
  • Sports complexes and pools: 5 facilities worth over 5.5 million hryvnias (about 200 thousand of US dollars).
  • Housing sector: 550 applications for compensation have been made to the value of 80 million hryvnias (2.7 million of US dollars).

Quote: "We will definitely restore everything to how it was, rebuild our city and the whole of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we will not be able to restore the lives and health of thousands of Ukrainians.

But so that these losses are not in vain, we just have to defeat Russia in this war and build a strong and successful Ukraine". 
