Zelenskyy: Russia is afraid to admit that its policy towards Ukraine is wrong

Sunday, 10 April 2022, 23:52


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russia is afraid to admit that its policy towards Ukraine has been wrong for decades.

Source: Video Address by Zelenskyy

Quote: "They are afraid to admit that Russia's entire policy towards Ukraine has been wrong for decades and has only destroyed everything that Russia has had in its relations with Ukraine since former times.

They are afraid to admit that for decades they have made erroneous bets and spent vast resources in support of complete non-entities, who they thought would become the future heroes of Ukrainian-Russian friendship.

And these non-entities were skilled only in filling their pockets with money from Russia, so as not to admit making mistakes. They would make new mistakes. They deprived themselves of all political tools and, not wanting to give up unrealistic ambitions, started this war." 

Details: Zelenskyy said that Russia is trying to shift the blame to Ukraine for its own aggression.

Quote: "They seized Crimea, and we are allegedly to blame. They destroyed normal life in Donbas, and we are allegedly to blame. They shot down a Malaysian Boeing, and we are allegedly to blame. They have been killing people and children on our land for 8 years, and we are allegedly to blame. They have destroyed the most powerful industrial region in eastern Europe, and we are to blame. They have ruined the lives of millions of people, and we are supposedly to blame. They have started a full-scale war against us, and we are allegedly to blame. They have already spent 2,000 missiles, countless air bombs, artillery shells, mines in Ukraine, and we are allegedly to blame. They tortured, killed on our land, and we are guilty. They deported hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, our children, but we are still to blame," he said.

According to the President, all this is due to cowardice.

"When cowardice grows, it turns into a catastrophe. When people lack the courage to admit their mistakes, to apologise, to adapt to reality, to learn, they turn into monsters. And when the world ignores it, monsters decide that it is the world that has to adapt to them", said Zelenskyy.

He pointed out that Ukraine will stop all this, nothing will help Russia’s cowardice and the day will come when Russia will have to admit the truth.