The head of Ukrainian MIA comments on the border of Ukraine with Moldova and unrecognised breakaway state of Transdnistria

Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 10:03


The situation on the Ukrainian border with Moldova and the unrecognised breakaway state of Transdnistria is more or less stable. The military units stationed there are not large enough to threaten Ukraine's border.

Source: the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky in a joint television broadcast  on March 9

Quote: "The situation on the border with Moldova and the unrecognised breakaway state of Transnistria is more or less stable. Our intelligence is recording the movement of certain units there, but there not enough of them to threaten our borders in any way. We understand that Russia is trying to gather all able-bodied units, even from as far away as Syria. "

Details: According to Monastyrsky, the Ukrainian authorities are currently strengthening in the Odessa direction. An order was issued to provide civilians with weapons. Priority will be given to members of the territorial defence.

A pardon commission is also currently working. A number of pardons have been granted for  convicted criminals currently in prison who want to defend Ukraine. The minister did not give the exact number, but he said it was several hundred people.