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People cannot evacuate from Bucha and Hostomel: civilians are being shot

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 03:30
People cannot evacuate from Bucha and Hostomel: civilians are being shot

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 04:30

People cannot be evacuated from Bucha and Hostomel (near Kyiv), according to local residents, and the aggressors are even shooting at civilians.

Source: Head of the Kyiv Oblast Military Administration Oleksiy Kuleba on Ukrainian telethon, local residents blockaded in Bucha


Oleksiy Kuleba said: "Unfortunately, without a ceasefire, it is impossible to do this (evacuate people from Bucha and Hostomel - ed.). There are clashes there…"

Details: Russian invaders are currently located in Bucha, according to local residents. They are not allowing local residents to leave their shelters. There is no electricity supply in the city.

Civilians are being killed. In one case, the aggressors stormed into the yard of a private household and shot a 69-year-old man in the head. They ordered his wife to stay in the cellar and not to leave it.


Reminder: The Russian invaders failed to create a "green corridor" for civilians near Kyiv and are not allowing humanitarian aid to come in.
