The invader intends to seize the Kaniv hydroelectric power plant dam - General Staff

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 00:59

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 01:59

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has released operational information as of the end of the day on 5 March.

Source: General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Facebook

Verbatim:  "The tenth day of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion is over.

The enemy continues its offensive against Ukraine, focusing its main efforts on encircling the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Mykolayiv, reaching the administrative borders in Luhansk and Donetsk regions, and creating a land corridor between with the temporarily occupied territories and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Su-35C, Su-34 and Su-25 aircraft from airfields in Belarus (Baranovichi, Luninets, Lida) were involved in air strikes on military and civilian infrastructure in the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions. In addition, Su-34 bombers from Buturlinovka airfield carried out air strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure near the city of Sumy.

Concentrations of Belarussian Armed Forces units near settlements of Hrushka (Maloritskyy district) and Khotyslav have been uncovered."

"According to the information available, the aggressor intends to seize another important infrastructural object - the dam of the Kaniv HPP (Hydroelectric power plant)."

Details: In Poliske, military personnel from the Eastern Military District, the Pacific Fleet and the Airborne Troops of the Russian Armed Forces with forces up to 18 battalion task forces are operating in the settlements of Poliske, Kukhari, Borodyanka, Byshiv, Gorenychi, and Demydiv.

According to the data available, after regrouping, units of the Eastern Military District and the Airborne Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, which suffered significant losses near the Hostomel airport, are redeploying units of the 76th Airborne Assault Division near Bilohorodka. The aggressor keeps trying to reach the southwestern outskirts of Kyiv.

In the Siverskyy area, a group of troops of the Central Military District with forces of up to 12 battalion task forces consisting of units from the 41st and 2nd All-Military Armies and the 90th Tank Division is conducting an offensive operation in north-eastern Ukraine.

Up to 100 units of military machinery, including TOS-1 "Buratino" (multiple rocket launcher and thermobaric weapon -ed.), are moving in the direction of Kozelets’.

The invader is regrouping troops near Brovary. Units are advancing towards the settlement of Pobeda. The invaders are attempting to approach the Brovary-Boryspil highway.

Units of the 6th All-Military Army and the 1st Tank Army of the Western Military District are advancing to carry out an offensive on Chernihiv and Nizhyn.

The Western Army group of up to 23 battalion task forces from the 1st Tank Army and 20th all-military army, and the 14th Army Corps of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Armed Forces has regrouped in order to resume the offensive towards Lubny, Poltava and Kharkiv (Slobozhansk area).

The invader is continuing offensive operations near Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya with forces of up to 7 battalion task force 1 and 2 army corps and 150 motorised infantry divisions (Donetsk area).

The aggressor is attempting to develop an offensive towards Izyum with forces of up to 2 battalion task forces (Severodonetsk area). It has been stopped near the Siverskyy Donets river. The aggressor is accumulating manpower and equipment to resume the offensive.

The invader continues to blockade the city of Mariupol, shelling civilian infrastructure in the city.

Up to three battalion task forces of the 7th Airborne Assault division of the Russian Airborne Forces carried out offensive actions towards the city of Mykolaiv during the day, but suffered considerable losses. The enemy was not successful.

The aggressor, with forces of up to 3 battalion task forces and supported by aircraft, is conducting an offensive on Zaporizhzhya, towards the Novaya Odesa settlement and Mykolayiv.

The task force units of Russian troops in the security zone of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian region are on high alert near the South Bug and Bessarabian areas. The morale and psychological state of the military personnel is low. Most servicemen do not want to take part in hostilities on Ukraine territory. At the same time, the "president" of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian region, Krasnoselskyy, has so far ruled out the possibility of Transnistrian Armed Forces participating in Russia's war against Ukraine.

Significant losses were inflicted on the military personnel and equipment of the aggressor’s forces during the day: four helicopters, five aircraft and one UAV were shot down, several air raids were made on enemy equipment columns, and the losses are being specified.

The enemy continues to abandon its equipment - for example, one of the brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine alone has captured and is using about 30 units of various armoured combat vehicles, cars and tanks for their own purposes.