Complete censorship in Russia: Novaya Gazeta removes its materials on war in Ukraine

Friday, 4 March 2022, 17:06


The Russian independent newspaper "Novaya Gazeta", one of the few that has openly called Russia's attack on Ukraine a war and an invasion, has decided to remove materials on the topic from its website at the request of the authorities.

Source: "Novaya Gazeta"

Details: The Russian Federation has enacted a law to punish so-called "fake news" about the actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

The publication reported that the Prosecutor General's Office and the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) demanded that independent mass media remove materials in which the military actions on the territory of Ukraine are described as war, aggression or invasion. Otherwise they would face huge fines and the prospect of closure of the media outlet.

"Novaya Gazeta" received six such demands from the authorities.

The editorial staff considered two options for action and asked readers to vote on them:

  •         Continue to work under military censorship by complying with the authorities' demands (93.9% of votes)
  •         Suspend the work of the editorial office itself until the end of the "special operation" (6.1%).

Quote: "Military censorship in Russia has rapidly moved to a new phase: from the threat of blocking and closing down publications (almost fully implemented) to the threat of criminal prosecution of both journalists and citizens who disseminate information about the fighting that differs from the Ministry of Defence press releases. There is no doubt that this threat will be carried out.