Mayor of Kherson: Russian occupying forces prevent humanitarian aid from entering city

Friday, 4 March 2022, 14:11

Friday, 4 March 2022, 15:11

Igor Kolikhayev, mayor of Kherson, has said that Russian troops do not allow trucks with humanitarian aid into the city.

Source: Kolikhaev on his Facebook, Kyivstar

Quote: "Trucks with food and humanitarian aid could come to the city, but Kherson is surrounded, and OUR cars do not pass. Despite yesterday's agreement at the highest level, in practice it's not working yet."

Details: Kolikhayev suggested that in this way the "good liberators" are preparing to bring their "salvation" to Kherson, so that people "would thank the benefactors on camera."

He also reiterated that mobile connection was turned off and that the local TV centre was seized.

Quote: "I give my word: I’ll do what I can. But I don't know how long it will take. Please: think, stay human, help each other. Kherson is Ukraine!"

Details: The mobile operator Kyivstar stated that currently mobile communication in the city of Kherson and some villages in the region is not working due to numerous breaks in the fibre-optic network.

Rehabilitation of damaged areas of the network will begin as soon as specialists have access to the damaged areas.

Kyivstar stressed that it will make every effort to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

As locals informed "Ukrayinska Pravda", residents of Kherson came out to cars with humanitarian aid from the Russian occupying forces wearing yellow and blue flags.

Background: Russian military equipment is standing in front of the Regional State Administration building in Kherson; the railway station and the seaport are under Russian control.