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A traitor, appointed by Russians in Melitopol, appropriated Ukrainian humanitarian aid

Friday, 25 March 2022, 17:22
A traitor, appointed by Russians in Melitopol, appropriated Ukrainian humanitarian aid

Mazurenko Alona – Friday, 25 March 2022 18:22 

National traitor Galyna Danylchenko, who calls herself the head of occupied Melitopol, appropriated humanitarian aid which was brought to the city from the territory controlled by Ukraine, and is not allowing it to be given out to the inhabitants. 

Source: Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov 


Direct speech: "The self-proclaimed head of the occupation administration Galyna Danylchenko has issued a personal order to prohibit the distribution of humanitarian aid. The fire station is blocked by armed aggressors. We are not allowed to take out humanitarian aid for distribution. 

There is information that they plan to steal part of the humanitarian aid in order to sell it for cash. Another part of the humanitarian aid will be used to feed their pro-Russian supporters and servicemen of the aggressor's army. 

I want to address Galyna Viktorivna: you deliberately betrayed Ukraine, switched to the enemy side. And now your deliberate actions are betraying all residents of Melitopol who have been waiting for help for weeks." 


Details: Fedorov reported that a large shipment of humanitarian aid had been delivered to the city. 

We are talking about 13 tons of food, 2 tons of baby food and medicines. 

All humanitarian aid was unloaded at the fire station on Heroes of Stalingrad Street. 

He added that the journey from Zaporizhzhia to Melitopol takes about 2 hours, but the aggressors put up obstacles and the trip, which previously took 2 hours, took a day. 


On March 11, the aggressors kidnapped Fedorov, but he was freed from Russian captivity. The mayor of Melitopol was exchanged for 9 Russian army conscripts. 

On March 12, People’s deputy of the "Oppoblok" Galyna Danylchenko urged the people of Mariupol not to resist the aggressors, and all those who are resisting she called extremists. Danylchenko urged them to "adapt to the new reality." 

The collaborator said that now the city will be run by a "committee of people's deputies" headed by her.
