Mariupol city council reports 300 deaths at the Drama Theatre

Friday, 25 March 2022, 11:42

ROMAN PETRENKO - FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2022, 12:42 pm

Mariupol city council has stated that about 300 people died in the Mariupol Drama Theatre as a result of the bombing by a Russian aircraft.

Source: Mariupol City Council.

Quote: "Eyewitnesses have reported that about 300 people died in the Mariupol Drama Theatre as a result of the bombing by a Russian aircraft.

To the end I do not want to believe in this horror. To the end I want to believe that everyone managed to escape. But those who were inside the building at the time of this terrorist act say the opposite. "

Previously: on 14 March the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko recounted that the general situation in the city was catastrophic; according to him, casualties of the Russian attacks may number up to 20 thousand."

On the afternoon of 16 March, Russian aircraft dropped a heavy bomb on the Mariupol Drama Theatre in the centre of the encircled port city of Mariupol, south eastern Ukraine.

The building housed about a thousand city residents who had lost their homes due to Russian shelling. According to officials and the military, many people with small children were sheltering in the theatre. Due to fierce fighting it was impossible to reach the rubble.