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"I'm going to break into apartments. There’s a sh*tload of high-rises here": Russian occupying forces near Kyiv are planning "lavish" lives

Thursday, 24 March 2022, 10:55


The Russian occupyin forces see the siege of Kyiv as an opportunity to secure a "lavish" life.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine

Details: This is evidenced by almost all the conversations of Russian troops currently in the Kyiv region. Conversations of this kind are regularly intercepted by the Security Service of Ukraine.

These occupiers believe that fate "smiled on them" as there are more opportunities for looting near the capital.
In a conversation published today, a Russian soldier asks his family to find out the price of an "acquired" video card and other computer components. The answer satisfied him so much that he concluded: "In principle, this trip has paid off for me."

He is not even upset that in his homeland prices have gone up, according to the Security Service of Ukraine. He announces his plans – to have enough time to "earn" a "lavish life".

Quote from the intercepted conversation: "I will go to break into apartments, ****. There’s a sh*itload of high-rises here, ten-storeys, ****. I will break into houses."
