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Zelenskyy predicts Russia's return to the "disasters of the 90s"

Friday, 18 March 2022, 14:45
Zelenskyy predicts Russia's return to the disasters of the 90s

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy predicts that the war against Ukraine will set Russia back by decades - "to the disasters of the 90s."

Source: President's video address

Direct speech: "I am confident that by attacking us, they will destroy everything that Russian society has achieved over the past 25 years.


And they will return to where they once began to rise - as they say, to the "disaster of the 90s". Only without freedom, without the creative desire of millions of people to work for the development of their state.

This will be the price of war against Ukraine for Russia.

It will be a fall for them, a painful fall. And they will feel it - even in spite of "opium of the people" from the television propagandists.
