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Russian airstrike hits pool facility in Mariupol - children and pregnant women under the rubble

Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 19:17

On Wednesday, the Russian military launched an airstrike not only on Mariupol’s Drama Theatre, but also the Neptune pool facility – the number of victims is still unknown.

Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, on Facebook

Quote: "Russians are deliberately bombing civilians!


These scum seek to physically destroy Mariupol and the people of Mariupol, which have long been  the symbols of our resistance. Today, they launched an airstrike on the Drama Theatre and the Neptune Pool.

According to preliminary data, several hundred Mariupol residents were hiding in the Drama Theatre. 

What is with them now is unknown, as the entrance to the bomb shelter is blocked by debris.


The Russians are already lying – as if the headquarters of the Azov Regiment were there. But they themselves are well aware that there were only civilians.

Similarly, only civilians were in Neptune. Now there are pregnant women and women with children under the rubble. This is pure terrorism!"

Details: According to Kyrylenko, it is currently impossible to establish the number of victims of the shelling, as well as the scale of the destruction.

Also on Wednesday, Russian troops fired on a convoy travelling from Mariupol to Zaporizhia. There are 5 wounded, including one child.
