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"Zelenskyy surrender" statement appears on live TV, President reacts

Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:59
Zelenskyy surrender statement appears on live TV, President reacts

Roman Petrenko — Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 12:59

Russian hackers broke into the live newsfeed of the TV channel Ukraina 24 and posted a fake "statement" of surrender by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The president immediately recorded a video suggesting that the Russians lay down their weapons.

Source: Ukraina 24 TV channel, Zelenskyy on Telegram

The TV channel said: "The news ticker on Ukraina 24 and the Sohodni (Today) website have been broken into by enemy hackers and are broadcasting a message from Zelenskyy about an alleged ‘surrender’.
Friends, we have given several warnings about this. This is a fake! No one is going to surrender, least of all when the Russian army is being defeated by the Ukrainian army!"

Details: The statement is no longer being broadcast on air, but a recording can be seen at about 12:30.

Direct quote from Zelenskyy: "With regard to the latest childish provocation alleging that I’m suggesting we put down our weapons, I suggest that the only people who should put their weapons down – and go home – are the Russian military.
We are at home, we are defending our land, our children, our families. So we’re not about to put down any weapons until we have won."
