The invaders obstructed evacuation convoy operation near Sumy

Olha Hlushchenko - Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 02:31
The Head of the Sumy Regional State/Military Administration, Dmytro Zhyvytskyy, reported that Russian military personnel obstructed an evacuation convoy in Sumy oblast.
Source: Zhyvytsky on Telegram
Details: 4757 citizens, 1175 cars and 3818 people in 106 buses left the Sumy region through the humanitarian corridor on 15 March.
The Head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration reported that the evacuation of civilians was obstructed.
The suburbs of Sumy were shelled by artillery before the evacuation columns left the city.
Two additional buses were found in Boromlya, which transported residents of the community through the humanitarian corridor.
There was a special situation with the Trostyanets column: about 160 cars gathered for evacuation in Trostyanets in the morning.
The first cars passed the railway crossing without any obstacles. The invaders hindered the flow of the rest of the column.
"Russian military personnel ordered people to hand over their phones. The cell phones were collected in a bag and burned. The column of evacuees was left completely without means of communication. They were kept in the city until the evening."
"Finally, some of the evacuees managed to leave Trostyanets. They stayed overnight in one of the regional communities. Buses and cars from the convoy remained in Trostyanets. Everyone is alive."
"According to the enemy, someone in the column started filming the location of the military equipment on the phone and it triggered this reaction," Zhyvytskyy said.
Medical supplies were also delivered to Sumy oblast through the humanitarian corridor.