Nizhyn shelled by ‘Uragan’ multiple rocket launcher: 2 dead, 8 injured

Thursday, 10 March 2022, 20:05


In the town of Nizhyn in the Chernihiv region, two people were killed and eight were injured as a result of shelling by a Uragan multiple rocket launcher system on Thursday.

Source: Nizhyn Mayor Oleksandr Kodola, Facebook

Quote: "Today at 2:20 pm there was devastating shelling from a Uragan MLRS. There is information about 8 injured and 2 dead."

Details: Also due to the explosion, 40 metres of a heating pipeline were damaged. Repair works are being carried out. By the end of the day, heat should be returned to homes, the has mayor said.

4 houses remain without electricity. As a result of the explosion, windows were damaged in 17 schools, 25 kindergartens and family medicine clinic №6. Services are working to mitigate the emergency.