The occupiers plan to blow up ammonia warehouses in Kharkiv region

Thursday, 10 March 2022, 16:38

Thursday, 10 March 2022, 17:38 

The Russian occupying forces are considering blowing up ammonia depots in the Kharkiv region in order  to blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine

Quote: "The troops are producing fakes to justify their atrocities and accuse Ukraine of them.

For example, the Russian occupying forces are seriously considering blowing up ammonia warehouses in the Kharkiv region in order to accuse the Ukrainian Armed Forces of this. According to our data, options for committing other such provocations are also being considered." 

Details: At the same time, the Security Service of Ukraine stressed that no one will believe the Russian fakes - neither Ukrainians, nor the entire civilized world, nor even their own compatriots.

The intelligence service stressed that the Russian attack on the hospital and maternity hospital in Mariupol was an inhuman act for which Russian troops will pay severely: both to Ukrainian soldiers and to the Hague tribunal.

Because of this, Russia is already trying to launch various fake stories about the shelling of Mariupol. Such as, the maternity hospital had been out of use for a long time, there was a military base, and photos and videos of the destruction are generally staged out."

Quote: "Only a perverted fantasy can invent this. Like other fakes about secret prisons in Ukraine, biological weapons, chemical attacks and even fighting bats (perhaps also" Bandera and Nazis"?"), which are officially talked about by the Russian Defense Ministry."