Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church calls to save St. Sophia’s Cathedral, as Russia prepares to strike Kyiv
Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 15:37

Iryna Balanchuk — Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 16:37
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has received information that Russian forces are preparing an air strike at the main cultural heritage site of Ukraine, the centuries-old St. Sophia’s Cathedral that has been standing since the times of Kyiv Rus.
Source: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church information service
Archbishop Svyatoslav, leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said: "Let St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God, bring reason to those who contemplate this crime.".
Details: Archbishop Svyatoslav called on all Christians to pray for the holy site of the Slavic people, and the aggressor to refrain from carrying out this most horrific act of vandalism.