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“Azot” chemical plant in Severodonetsk stops production and is no longer a threat - Group DF

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 02:11
“Azot” chemical plant in Severodonetsk stops production and is no longer a threat - Group DF

Olga Glushchenko – Tuesday 01 March 2022, 03:11

The Severodonetsk chemical company "Azot" does not pose any danger because this plant has completely stopped production since the start of hostilities.

Source: Group DF statement on Facebook


Ad verbatim:  "Severodonetsk "Azot" does not pose any danger to residents of the city and region as a chemical company .

The company has completely processed (reprocessed) the ammonia and emptied the ammonia storage facility.

Production has completely stopped at the plant with the start of the hostilities: all the key workshops were stopped, and the plant stopped producing fertilisers."


"The security service and technical service of the plant conducted a full extra inspection of all production facilities and warehouses of the company for the presence of hazardous chemicals. These substances were not detected anywhere within the company’s facility."

Details: DF Group reports that the residual end products (fertilisers) and chemicals located within the plant were transported from the company outside the Luhansk region.
